IAS-preparation after12th

How to prepare for IAS exam after 12th? – 10 BEST TIPS

Are you in 12th class this year? And want to become an IAS officer in future. Then this is the right time to start your preparation. If you start your preparation now, then you will become an IAS officer in your 22 – 23 years. Then, this will help you to become cabinet secretary, which is the top position for an IAS officer.

How to prepare for IAS exam after 12th?

Most of the students confuse themselves by thinking “When I should start my IAS Preparation?” or “What is the correct age to start my Civil Service Preparation?”

This article will answer all your queries. If we missed out any of your queries, then you can notify us by commenting below in the prescribed section.

So let’s dive into the topic.

1. Graduation

The main graduation subject which you choose after your 12th examination is the will play a significant role in your IAS Exam preparation. Choose graduation subjects like History, Polity, Geography, and Economics. As you know IAS Exam preparation revolves around these topics. So the person one who has completed any master degree in the above-prescribed subject can easily prepare for IAS General Studies and for the Optional paper.

2. Understand your Syllabus and Exam

Traveling without a map is not the best idea for a traveler. Likewise studying without the syllabus is not a great idea to crack the exam. Always Keep your UPSC Syllabus with you and read the required topics and omit other things you don’t need.

Refer previous year question papers and know what UPSC is expecting from you. To get the previous year question paper you can use the internet. Even you can get a solved previous year civil service question paper compilations from your nearest bookstores.

3. Select books

Reading online is the easiest method when we are at travel and work. But, we cannot compare the online reading with the books. We usually prefer our students to read the Hard copy books rather than the e-books. So we recommend you to buy these books as soon as possible and start reading.

We have made a list of books recommended by the UPSC toppers.

You can see the List of IAS preparation books from here.

You can go through all these books and buy online or from your local bookstore.

4. Make use of the College Internet and Library

Always make use of your college internet and library for your preparation. Library and internet are the treasure to build your knowledge.

Use your free time in the library by reading the daily newspaper, magazines, and books which is related to IAS Preparation. Read as many books as possible which are more inclined to your IAS Preparation Syllabus.

5. Make friends

Make friends in your college those who are aspiring to become an IAS Officer after the graduation. You can even team up as a community and share some valuable notes and thoughts with each other. Meet your seniors, who are preparing for this exam and get some valuable tips and ideas to crack this exam.

6. Use your semester holidays

Complete your major portion of your syllabus in your semester holiday. Don’t take the excuse to roam your streets with your friends. Please remember this is your golden time to complete your syllabus.

7. Read Daily News Paper

If you don’t have the habit of reading the newspaper, then try to cultivate this habit as soon as possible. Civil Service examination needs the thorough knowledge of the current events happening around the world and in India.

So read one newspaper half an hour daily and see the change within you.

8. Communication Skills

Develop your communication and aptitude skills while you are in the college. Afterward, you don’t get enough time to develop your communication skills in your tight civil service preparation schedule. Communication skills always help you to overcome this exam.

For instance, if your communication skills are excellent, then you can represent your thinking easily in the paper when you are writing your mains examination.

The main examination needs excellent writing skills. Most of the people struggle to clear this stage because of lack of knowledge in the writing.


Planning to throw your NCERT to the waste paper mart? Wait a minute. Don’t do it. The whole preparation starts with your school NCERT’s. As many toppers, those who have cleared this exam acknowledged that NCERT is the best source to build your fundamental knowledge for this examination.

So try to preserve this books and definitely it will be useful for your entire preparation.

10. Develop notes making skills

Students those who are getting good marks use to make short notes to revise before the exam. Many educational experts strongly advise the student to make short notes for their revision.

As you don’t have time to revise a 500-page book every time before you going to the exam.

So, in this case, try to develop notes making skills from now. You will thank me afterward for this words.

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About the Author: GetintoIAS Team

GetintoIAS.com helps civil service aspirants, those who are trying hard to get into IAS.
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