
Duties, Power and Responsibilities of an IAS Officer

Every year lakhs of students go ahead on the path of their career to aspire to become an IAS. But, before choosing to become an IAS, one has to know the Duties, Powers, and responsibilities of IAS officer. IAS is considered to be the most desirable career of government sector carriers. This is a career that allows the candidates to participate in the level of government machinery, in addition to meeting the monetary aspirations in which they can work for the people.

The Union Public Service Commission conducts Civil Services Examination every year so that the eligible candidate can get the IAS, IPS and other Central Service posts. The IAS exam is considered India’s toughest test, so to be successful in this exam, hard work needs to be done with continuity.

Civil Service Examination

However, until the passing of the Civil Services Examination, the candidate’s eligibility is not finalized. On becoming a part of government machinery, every step needs more than academic ability and intellectual capacity. Thus, the candidates preparing for the IAS examination must be more qualified than the necessary qualifications for the examination prescribed by the Union Public Service Commission, and then only those posts and offices will be able to do so efficiently.

Thus, even after passing this examination, our next challenges do not end, but the challenge increases even after handling the post. Therefore, to face all the challenges coming in the way, there should be some major qualities in the IAS officer or these qualities should develop within them so that they can effectively discharge their duties.

The candidates who get top rank in Civil Services Examination are made IAS. The IAS officers enforce the law made in Parliament in their respective areas. At the same time, they also make important contributions in making new policies or laws. IAS officers can also become Cabinet Secretaries, Under Secretaries in their senior time career.

The Duties, Rights, and Responsibilities of the IAS Officer

The primary duty of the IAS is to ensure that people are protected in their jurisdiction and all officers in the district continue to work to maintain law and order.

The powers of an IAS cannot be clearly calculated, but the following are also included under IAS:

Prohibition of crime, prevention of accidents and disaster management.

Responsibilities of the IAS officer

To manage disaster and crisis:

It is the responsibility of the IAS officer to ensure disaster management such as identifying the causes of the disaster and effectively managing the crisis situation to protect people.

For example, in the case of riots or disaster, the IAS officer can arrange an immediate meeting of Armed Forces or NDRF to keep order in anarchy. 

In Floods or in other natural disasters, district collector is solely responsible to save the people from the unexpected events. The operations will be like evacuating people from the disaster zone, providing safe water and food, with the basic amenities. 

The IAS officers must ensure that the rules are followed in their allotted district or state. For example, a new environmental law or any health or traffic guidelines. They must ensure that all the laws are clearly understood by the people and local police is also ensuring that all the laws are being followed.

The IAS officers are the working groups of the country. Political Executive, who is temporarily independent of nature, is completely dependent on this permanent executive. The whole country is administered, administered by these officers only. These officers serve the country and take care of it. Therefore, as a popular saying, IAS officers with a lot of authority also have a lot of Commitments. Some rights of an IAS officer are as follows:

  • Collection of revenue and work like a court in matters related to revenue
  • Maintaining law and order
  • Working as an Executive Magistrate
  • Working as Chief Development Officer (CDO) / District Development Commissioner
  • Supervision of implementation of policies of the State Government and Central Government
  • Supervision of government money expenditure according to the criteria of financial justification.

 What will you do after becoming an IAS officer?

You need to pay attention to your duty and work, and you should be devoted to the work, not just thinking about the fruits from work. Most candidates are busy dreaming about how to use their rights and status. A lot of time wasted in planning how to serve the country, how to improve the system and such other things.

Read this: Salary of an IAS officer

After choosing, an ideal candidate for the Civil Services Examination, he should not pay more attention to imagining his life and work. He should pay attention to the present preparation and should live in the present. Extensive work can harm the opportunity of thinking aspiring to think beyond nature and professional ethics.


An IAS officer has to work as a representative of the government. As an organ of government, an IAS officer requires extraordinary leadership skills by motivating others towards achieving a consolidated goal and working for the development of India and the welfare of the people.


An IAS officer is entrusted with one of the responsibilities of all the responsibilities that he looks after all the administrative matters under his jurisdiction. In order to fulfill this responsibility, they have to make a common consensus as well as keeping knowledge of all administrative tasks and therefore it is very necessary to have such qualities.

Breakthrough approach:

Sometimes an IAS officer faces such a difficult situation that he has to make quick decisions to handle such situations. For this, it needs to evaluate all the available options and their possible outcomes. For this, a critical approach is needed in it.

So Duties, Power and Responsibilities of an IAS Officer are not limited but they depend upon on their working area. The condition of the area in which they are working. No doubt an IAS officer gets good salary and facilities but his responsibilities are also huge

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About the Author: GetintoIAS Team

GetintoIAS.com helps civil service aspirants, those who are trying hard to get into IAS.
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